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Yep folks, the lovely non-default skin tones are now obsolete due to the new patch. They cause the new boob and muscle tone sliders not appear at all. What does this mean? What shall happen to my colorful Sims? I simply cannot live without my beautiful skins.
It' okay Carbon, we'll figure something out. You can cry if you want to. D':
Okay, this is depressing. Time to move onto a happy subject! I has won an award!
What, you expected a real reward? Pfffttt! My simself has gained the key to the city for being such an awesomesauce architect, because that's totally what mayors give to architects. So I appeared in my whole cleavage-y goodness and accepted my key from the very odd hippie-ish mayor. I be so jealous of his luscious mane.
Yeah slut-face, you better cheer for me- ooo confetti~ Overall, I say party was a modest attempt. Needed more confetti and better people to look at. :3