If not, go read Fury's legacy. This is one of her delicious heirs by the name of Eden. Only I did what every Pokemon and Sims fan wanted, turned him into a feisty little raichu.
Considering I didn't actually make the sim, I don't think I'll provide a download. I'll make another Raichu that is just as cute and hunky. <3
8 commentations:
Oh em gee I didn't even realise that was Eden at first! Oh wows he looks mega cool as a Raichu, wheeeeee!
:D I don't have the sliders so he might look different. Glad you like him. :3
I don't think Eden had any sliders in him anyways, at least not on his smexy face >_<
Aww, Fury's fave Poke'mon plus her fave... er... toy! LOL!
Fury DOES have the best genes in her legacy. When I opened him up in CAS even I wanted my simself to pounce him. ;D
Amieezilla! That is terrible, I am utterly shocked that you could say such a thing. Well, not really. ;-)
I've said much, MUCH worse in my life. ;D Trust me, I'm anything but appropriate.
I'm a female sailor with a spot on my mind.
I was joking, LOL! I'm anything but appropriate too.
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