Friday, April 9, 2010

Raichu For Furyred

Sooo, does this handsome fellow look familiar to anyone?

If not, go read Fury's legacy. This is one of her delicious heirs by the name of Eden. Only I did what every Pokemon and Sims fan wanted, turned him into a feisty little raichu. 

Considering I didn't actually make the sim, I don't think I'll provide a download. I'll make another Raichu that is just as cute and hunky. <3

8 commentations:

FuryRed said...

Oh em gee I didn't even realise that was Eden at first! Oh wows he looks mega cool as a Raichu, wheeeeee!

Amieezilla said...

:D I don't have the sliders so he might look different. Glad you like him. :3

FuryRed said...

I don't think Eden had any sliders in him anyways, at least not on his smexy face >_<

Jessamine Diane said...

Aww, Fury's fave Poke'mon plus her fave... er... toy! LOL!

Amieezilla said...

Fury DOES have the best genes in her legacy. When I opened him up in CAS even I wanted my simself to pounce him. ;D

Jessamine Diane said...

Amieezilla! That is terrible, I am utterly shocked that you could say such a thing. Well, not really. ;-)

Amieezilla said...

I've said much, MUCH worse in my life. ;D Trust me, I'm anything but appropriate.

I'm a female sailor with a spot on my mind.

Jessamine Diane said...

I was joking, LOL! I'm anything but appropriate too.

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