Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can't Stop The Rain

Something awful has happened in my house of pixels.

You see, it all started with a fire. A fire that me and my pixel husband put out. So we decided in front of the fireplace that just caught on fire would be a great place to get into that frisky. Now, I don't have pictures of the first fire, but it started when I had just gotten myself and Jesse into the "Irresistible" mood. I figured that was a coincidence.

"STOP KISSING ME! MY BUTT IS ON FIRE!" The fire went haywire and I was put out pretty quickly but still singed. 

So I caught on fire again! My children were in the room but freaking out due to the fire, so it was me and the husband putting out this rouge fire on our own. The fire department was still a no show.

Oh hey, there you are!

Oh but you were too late! My poor teenage daughter is now forever scarred from witnessing my death. Yay for ruining her life even in death!

Worst part of it all: spending my final minutes with that horrible hair and barely clothed.  Oh and that blue haired guy is my son. Isn't he so cute? Erm anyways, begging didn't work.

There's my urn, isn't just so smexy? I made myself a little "shrine" by using one of the World Adventures pedestal display cases with a couple of flowers, but I forgot to take a picture of it. So a floor picture will have to do. 

Everything was so quiet in the house. The family members barely spoke to each other, usually I have to constantly pull them away from each other to get some work done. 

Jesse kept himself distracted with improving his martial arts skill. Everyone was so depressed, I had my daughter call in one the professionals....

7 commentations:

JKAmaryllis said...

Dude so is it totally weird watching your simself die? And I swear since ambitions the fire department takes freaking forever. It's kind of lose. :(

R. Spirit said...

Dun da-nuh naaaahh! Super FuryRed to the rescue, eh? ;)

I've only seen my simself die once, and she was old and wrinkly >_< but it was... surreal XD What are the sprogs names, btw?

Amieezilla said...

@JKAmz - It wasn't until the second fire I realized I should have had fire fighters over at my house. xD They do take so long.

@Randomness - Yeah, she doesn't seem to get much attention these days. The little one's names are Sapphire and Noah. (I kind of forgot when I wrote it. Mother of the year right here ;D)

Emily said...

If you can't stop the rain, then I suggest getting a polka dot umbrella, and for fires, you. . .could. . .um. . .you could not start them in the first place :)

Not helping. . .

Anonymous said...

Wow seems like a crazyy day in the sims! I think I would've cried if I saw my simself die. Your children are so cute!!

FuryRed said...

:O How did I miss this?

Good to see my Superhero alter-ego out helping the nation ;) Be careful though- she tends to try and sex those that she helps...

Amieezilla said...

Hahaha, I honestly forgot about the preggoness of her. Now my family is all "Wtf, we don't have room fer this!"

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